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Fitness Goals 2016

By the end of 2016 I want to look back and (1)know I am a better and healthier person that I ever have been before and (2) know that I explored as much of the world as I possibly could.

Doing better than I did in 2015 isn't something that will just happen by accident. Let's face it, I hiked so many new trails, I completed my first two Spartan Races, my first endurance run (25k Gnarly Bear), travelled to Ghana on a service vacation, climbed Mount Borah, the tallest mountain in Idaho and completed two huge hikes, one through the Sawtooth wilderness and one through the Big Horn Crags. I also ran just over 500 miles during my training.

So how am I going to improve? Goals and then creating a clear path to follow to make sure that I am progressing toward those goals.

I set goals in family life, church life, business, etc., but since this is my trail and Spartan blog, I'm going to post my health and fitness goals, so that when I look back at the end of the year, I can see how much progress I've made.


  • Run 1,000 Miles

  • Complete a Spartan Trifecta

  • Complete the Gnarly Bear 50k

  • Weigh approximately 165 pounds

For each goal, I have little "benchmarks" to reach to make sure that I'm staying on track during the course of the year. For example, with my run 1,000 miles goal, I have set a goal to log at least 100 miles each month (which obviously if I do that, I will surpass my goal, but that will give me a little bit of leeway if something goes wrong on the way). For my weight goal, no only do I have benchmarks, but I have plans to do certain things along the way. For example, complete a one week "No Treats" challenge in February, where I will go for at least one week without a single "treat" and if I mess up, my punishment is to do 30 burpees. In order to complete the Gnarly Bear 50k, I have some training goals I need to complete, like complete a 50k distance on flat ground.

I'm excited to see how far I can go this year and to see all of the new trails, new friends, and better health that I'm sure to find on this journey.

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